Thursday, 11 February 2016

Class rules


Walt: take responsibility for the class rules.

On Friday we combined with room 7 so that we can make up our class rules. I think that it is important to have rules in the class because without rules children would think that they are free to do whatever and then they will become a pain for the teacher. Everyone was given a piece of paper to write down any rules that they think would be suitable for the class. We had only 5 minutes to write down as many rules we can. When that five minutes was over we had to partner up with someone from the other class and then tick that ones that were common. After that we had to get into groups of four and we had to do the same thing. Then we got into groups of eight and tick the common one. Thereafter we had to share the rules that were common to the whole class. We only suggested 8 class rules. The easiest rule for me was to keep the classroom clean at all times. The hardest rule for me to follow is to think twice before you do something and following the teachers instructions.


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