Thursday, 27 March 2014

Race Relations Day

On Race Relations Day Mrs Manu was proud to talk in her language and share her story about why she wanted to live in New Zealand and also why she had move out of Tonga. Mrs Manu was so proud she had spoken in her language in front of the whole school and parents.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Natasha Shackleton

WALT: we are learning to create art by studying Natasha Shackleton.

Natasha Shackleton is a New Zealand artist. She can use any medium. Natasha Shackleton loves to study  New Zealand birds also she is passionate about art and creativity. Natasha Shackleton does her artwork at home. I was inspired by her art work because it was beautiful. IMG_2243.JPG

Learn Create Share

Room 11 and room 8 went to the library so that room 11 can share their ebook to room 8 children. I was reading to Precious. My ebook was about basketball. First I read the ebook to her and then she read it. I helped her when  she got stuck with a difficult word. I think that learn create share is good because it is helping children to learn. I hope we do this again next year.


I am learning to do division. In this game you have to drag the right answer and put the clothing on to a person. I used multiplication to solve my question.

So if 7 x 6 = 42 that means 42 ÷ 6 = 7. I think I need to work hard on my divison because I want to move to another group in maths.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


WALT: write an acrostic poem


B  Bouncing, pivoting, and dribbling
IMG_1940.JPGA  Are very Important
S  Skills to practise.
K  Kicking the ball will get you out       
E  Energy is needed to keep you going
T  Training makes you good at basketball.
B  Ball to use in a game
A  Ask your teammate to help you.
L  Listen to your coach.
L  Love your teammates.  

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Using vegetable dyes

Today I have been learning about vegetable dyes. As you can see this is beetroot dye. It is bright. I thought the colour was the brightest on the toweling but not on silk and cotton. I had an awesome day today and I hope we do this next year.