Thursday, 17 October 2013

Interviwing a friend

Name: Mele
Age: 9
Favourite game: Soccer
Favourite colour: Green
No of siblings: 6 -  3 sisters - 3 brother
Favourite rugby player: Sonny Bill

My friends name is Mele she is 9 years old. Her favourite game is soccer and her favourite colour is green. She have 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Last but not least her favourite rugby player is Sonny Bill.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Basic Facts

Every day I get to learn basic facts in class.

Best Mum Ever

Best Mum Ever

My mum is the best in the world and I am going to tell you why. First she is loyal, fun, kind, funny, and also helpful. My mum is also nice she always buy my lunch and everything I want.

My second reason about my mum is she always cheer me up when I cry. She never do bad things because she is always good.

Last but not least My mum is always there for me when I need help and I always do the same to her.
Mum you are the best and I wish you all the best and I will never let you go and I will always love you. I love you to the moon and back.

lots of love camille.